There are many programs on the web that can be downloaded and installed on your computer or laptop that can download videos from web sites like You Tube and My Space and also store them in a video file on your computer. But the easiest and most user friendly one to use is Real Player. Real Player is free to download and use and will work on most video sites. Real Player downloads any video which can then be saved on a file on your computer of your choice and you can then upload the video to other social network or video sharing sites easily. The way that most people will use Real Player is to open a web browser and then, when you go to a website and play a video you will get the blue link to down load the video. But the disadvantage of this is that Real Player does not work in every web browser.
At the moment Real Player works on Internet Explorer,Google Chrome,Firefox and Lunascape,but not in any other web browser. Although it does work in some versions of Chromium but not all and will only work on Google Chrome but not Google Chrome Canary build. But what if you do not have any of these browsers installed and like me you use different web browsers from the ones listed? I have got Pale Moon and Safefox browsers which are open source versions of Firefox and I also have Chromium and Google Chrome Canary as well as several other web browsers. But Real Player does not work in any of these but there is a way round this problem. Real Player as well as being able download and store videos also has a built in web browser that is Internet Explorer based that you can use both to access the Internet and download videos. And you do not need to go onto a web browser to do this.
So here is how to use the Real Player browser. Go to your desktop or start menu and click on Real Player and you will see a search bar in the top right hand corner. Select web search and type in a word like Google or something like that.This then opens up the browser and you will get the Real Player search engine page. There is then a search bar displayed at the top where you can type in a web address just like on a web browser,if you do not want to use the search engine. From here you can access any website including video sites. Once you have found the website and the video you will see the blue link to download the video,the same as you do in when you go onto a web browser. Only it is displayed clearly in the Real Player browser. You can then download the video and save it without any problems. And I find that going directly onto Real Player instead of opening up a browser works better. As when I had Internet Explorer and Firefox and downloaded the video from there I found it slow to download. Also my Firefox or whatever browser I was using used to crash when I was using Real Player within a web browser. So by going directly onto Real Player itself and using the Real Player browser is easier and there are no problems with this. The Real Player browser allows you to do all of the things you can do in a web browser. Such as browse the web,check emails while you are waiting for the video to download,very useful.
Also there are additional features in Real Player,you can also trim your video with the video trimmer. And you can also play other video formats such Windows Media videos in Real Player. You can also transfer the video onto a CD or DVD. Also you can choose where to save your videos on your computer,for example desktop,documents or other in preferences menu.So Real Player is not just a video down loader. It is also a web browser in it's own right that can be used without any other web browser. Images above-Real Player is a browser that searches the web and downloads the video,in Real Player.
Thank you very much for this useful post,the information here is very helpful. Alan,New York,USA.